Cusop History Group
Cusop Parish Magazine
The following research was undertaken by Janet Robinson in 2018-2019 following finding a number of old magazines in the Parish Chest. This research complements the document compiled by Jackie Morris Cusop Church - Through The Front Door which contains many interesting extracts from the Cusop Parish Magazines from 1900-1950.
History of the magazine
Cusop “News” was included in the Arkenfield and Abbeydore Deaneries magazine which was of quarto size with a bold design on the cover. In fact there was very little Parish news and the main part of the magazine consisted of “improving moral or religious articles and mildly romantic stories. Though in 1901 it was recorded that
“The death of the late Rector of Cusop G.D.Pagden whilst taking the service in church caused, most naturally, through the parish and elsewhere, feelings of intense sorrow.”
Cusop started its own Parish Magazine. Quarto size with a varying design as a border on the front. The front page gave the names of the Rector, Churchwardens and Sidesmen – like Armstrong and other names still familiar to us today. Also details of Services. Local parish news was confined to the inside of the front cover and sometimes one more page. The rest of the magazine was an insert called Home Words which had national church news and articles and even a “moral” short story with line illustrations. This was often 24 pages. There were also local advertisements, mostly for businesses in Hay.
The Rector Douglas H. G. Sargent hailed the first edition in his Rector’s letter.
One Sidesman was H. Rouse Armstrong. In later issues he is a Churchwarden.
The magazine was printed by Grants of Hay.
1913- May 1917 [Several missing]
[Unfortunately the issues for August and September 1914 are missing. Might have been interesting to read the entries].
In October 1914 it was announced that a collection would be made for SSAFA. In May 1917. Captain Armstrong was a sidesman. The number of advertisements increased.[Golesworthys sold “Unshrinkable underwear” Davies, the Chemist sold “Furniture Cream”.

November 1941 Knitting for the Army
"One hundred and twenty knitted articles have been given to the men of the Parish serving in the Forces and the Home Guards, approximately fifty-five men receiving gifts which included pullovers, scarves, socks etc. In addition four sleeved pullovers and about fifty articles have been sent to the Hon. Mrs Cooper of Erwood for distribution. The pullovers were made especially for the prisoners of war in Germany and have been dispatched.
The Knitting Group will meet again at the Rectory on the second Thursday in January. The Group is now a recognised voluntary workers’ organisation, and
a badge with V W for the Forces on it may be worn by those who wish to continue in the coming year. These badges are available at sixpence each and may be obtained from Mrs Wheeler. Wool will be supplied by the Hon Mrs. Cooper, or rather a certain
quantity, and the articles will go wherever the need may be. This work definitely means sacrifice, with the knowledge that in the worst weather after Christmas some of the fighting men will have been remembered. The sum of about £8 has been spent on wool and Mrs. Meredith is very kindly acting as treasurer."
A completely different format was used – no doubt because of the wartime shortage of paper and this continued until 1961. It was often only two pages of octavo, containing the barest details
January 1942- December 1944
Completely different format no doubt because of paper shortage and wartime conditions. Often only two pages of Octavo. This format continued at least until 1961 with occasional addition of pages.
July 1944 D-Day in the Parish Magazine
There was no explicit mention of D-Day. The Rector (Rev.D Stephen Wheeler) wrote: "We are living today through one of the most interesting periods in history, as we see all the resources of the nations of the world used for war. To the list of weapons has been added the ruthless flying bomb, the effect of which has been to make our valley of the Wye attractive to those who have their homes in less fortunate surroundings. I believe the last few weeks have brought many visitors."
Neither HARC nor Cusop have any magazines from the ‘60s.
1970s - 2019
In the 1970s, varied groups of parishes were combined and eventually The Link came into being. The groupings of parishes varied for a few years.
Note how style and presentation have improved over the years.
Note to Researchers and holdings at HARC
If you ever want to research back copies they are now safely housed in the Hereford Archive and Record Centre. Magazines have been deposited somewhat piecemeal over the years and there are many gaps, Jen Madison should be thanked for buying second copies of The Link ever since she came to Bredwardine, and the Robinsons donated a complete set for the time they were at The Haven. Therefore the years from 1987 to today are almost complete.
The holdings at HARC are as follows:
[Arkenfield & Abbeydore Deaneries magazine: Oct. 1901- Apr. 1907 BL59/24
Very little information about the local parishes and there are gaps.]
Cusop Parish Magazine
Jan.1909- June 1913 BL59/19/51-85
Several missing in almost all years Mar.1930-1935 BL59/20/1-61
Apr. 1936-Dec.1941 BL59/21/1-6
Jan.1942-Dec 1944 BL59/22/1-38
Oct.1946-1950 BL59/23/1-48
Not yet calendared (as at 2019) Jan.1951-Dec.1959 (with gaps)
No deposits for the 1960s
The Link
In 70s local parishes were variously grouped . e.g. Whitney and Winforton were included for a short time.
Not yet calendared but there are some copies from 1972- 85 then:
Jan 1987- 2002 BZ53
Not yet calendared Jan 2003- 2018
Current copes will continue to be deposited annually.