1931 in Cusop
This month in Cusop History from the Cusop Parish Magazine 1931
A meeting of the Church Council was held at the Church Room on Tuesday 25th November. The Rector took the chair. The financial statement, presented by Mr Eckley, Churchwarden, showed a credit balance of £34. The Report of the Standing Committee was adopted recommending the payment of the following subscriptions:- Hereford Hospital, £5 5s,; Hereford Eye and Ear Hospital, £2 2s; Hay and Cusop Nursing Association, £1 1s. A report from the Archdeacon (Bishop Iliff) on his visit on 6th November, made suggestions for improving the state of the Churchyard. As a result, the Council decided to form a “God’s Acre Guild” to be responsible for keeping in order and beautifying the Churchyard. It is hoped that all parishioners will join this Guild and help the work either by subscriptions or personal service. Mrs Lilwall and Mr Southwark kindly undertook the preliminary organisation.
A hearty vote of thanks was passed to Mrs Parker and to her helpers at the recent Sale of Work, which realised over £12. This sum is to be used for the repair of the roof of the Church Room.
