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Illustrated Talk: Historic Place Names of Wales - Dr James January-McCann, Friday 9th May, 4.30pm

Cusop History Group has been researching changes in the borders between England and Wales, as evidenced by the number of Welsh place names in our area of Herefordshire, to help our understanding of the historic roots of Cusop Church. We are delighted to welcome Dr James January-McCann, the Place-name Officer from the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Wales who will talk about his work and latest projects as part of Herefordshire Histories Festival. The List of Historic Place Names of Wales is a ground breaking and innovative resource that contains hundreds of thousands of place names collected from historical maps and other sources. It provides a fascinating insight into the land-use, archaeology and history of Wales. The aim of the project is to record, maintain and in some cases, save place names in Wales, by providing a database of names which will be of interest to the public, as well as being useful for researchers and academics.

There will also be a chance to talk to researchers about their findings so far on the history of Cusop and it's place on the border of England and Wales.

Entrance is free, donations towards refreshments.

Friday May 9th 2025. Cusop Village Hall, HR3 5RW.

Doors open at 4pm for 4.30pm talk

Herefordshire Histories Festival Event


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